High-level Features

At a high level, the requirements are very much like any case management system, with some specifics.

Data Model

  • Nuanced Data model with lots of relations between models
  • Usually a lot of many-to-many relationships (thus not optimal for NoSQL, likely)
  • Highly flexible custom fields to be added to any object in the data model
  • Revision management with a changelog for every field and record


  • A flexible API for allowing external bots and scripts
  • Update records using a bot that scrapes court dockets

Reporting & Exports

  • Nuanced reporting mechanisms
  • Be able to build reports based on intricate search conditions across multiple related objects
  • Provide metrics for large-scale mobilizations
  • Provide 'live queries' aka 'smart groups' of active cases that meet certain conditions (ala CiviCRM)
  • Provide flexible exports (CSV, XLS, PDF)

Stability & Access

  • Automated remote backups with automated confirmation (ideally, also a failover instance that is constantly monitored to be working)
  • DDOS mitigation measures (DNS (i.e. Cloudflare), "serverless", hosting providers) -

Anywhere, Anytime

  • Ideally, could be run off a laptop over a local network, maybe use ngrok to forward 443 out over a tor hidden service

Scale up

  • High availability when the actions are happening
  • Support potentially hundreds of users at the same time

Scale down

  • Scale down for long term support and casework
  • Not as much need for concurrent editing

Security, Privacy & Access Control

  • HIPAA-level security - encrypted at rest and in transit ALWAYS (including on the client)
  • Should not cache decrypted data in client devices
  • Backend needs to be as zero knowledge as possible
  • Protect Attorney/Client privelidge
  • User and group-based access to arestee, cases, contact information, personal information
  • Limit access on a per-user and per-field basis if possible
  • For example, ground coordinators/onsite support folks may know personal information & contact information, but have limited access to case information

Accessibility & Internationalization

  • Needs to be translateable to any language, eventually
  • Usable in the field, on-site (), with limited or no network access

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