The Hub Model

  • Information flows in and out from all support roles (see below)

Jail Support/Field Support

  • Jail support users need to look up information on the fly, securely, in sometimes compromised situations (aka outside the jail with police staring at them)
  • Jail support users need to know certain vital information to do their job
  • They will gather information doing on-site support work (meeting with actual arestee, officials, family memebers, etc) and will provide information that is critical to multiple people at once
  • They will often be the first to know if someone is released. If they can just trigger a status change from the field, then hotline folks can call family members and friends with details right away and and then notify lawyers, etc.


  • Hotline users need to enter critical data rapidly
  • Hotline users need to be able to look up profiles rapidly
  • Hotline users need to be encouraged to capture the most critical information first
  • Hotline calls are not always arrestees - more nuanced ways to manage intake of this information (thus tracking 'people' and 'incidents' rather than just always 'arrestees')
  • Will likely be logging conversations and updating information against the same profile concurrently
  • Often are tasked with making outbound calls to gather and disseminate information to family members, support network, friends, and to jail support folks on the ground.
  • Ideally, the application can allow anyone anywhere in the country/world to work the hotlines. The need for hotline workers can scale dramatically.
  • Upload evidence from the field
  • Document incidencts with metadata and description
  • Doesn't know any case information
  • Might not know identity of people in incidents
  • Might provide identifying info of people as they get arrested.
  • Upload evidence from the field
  • Document incidencts with metadata and description
  • Often the most long-term users of this database
  • Stick around after high escalations to handle casework over the long haul
  • Need high-level quantitative reporting
  • Need searching, filtering
  • Need a whole subset of legal case related fields, information, statuses
  • Need to protect attourney/client privelidge
  • Need access to evidence for cases they are working on (wheras other personas are just creating/updating evidence records for a person's profile, or not against their profile at all if identity is unknown by the uploader)
  • Eventually - only assign certain caseworkers to certain cases to protect attourney client priveldge

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